Agnieszka Marciniuk , Anna Bartkowiak

© Agnieszka Marciniuk, Anna Bartkowiak. Artykuł udostępniony na licencji CC BY-SA 4.0


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The COVID-19 pandemic affected the methods and results of teaching, posed many challenges, and changed the approach to education, providing an opportunity to review and reconsider the pros and cons of different modes of education. The aim of the study discussed in the article is to determine the factors influencing students’ preferences for taking different classes remotely or onsite. The data were obtained through a survey sent to the largest economics universities in Poland, which distributed the link to the survey among their students via email. The study was extended over the period from 4th November 2020 to 31st March 2021 and a total of 604 students took part in it. The authors compared the results relating to general and statistics courses, taking into account the following factors: efficiency, fatigue, concentration, students’ activity, workload, quality of lecturers’ preparation for classes and the materials used, as well as the availability of the teacher. Statistical methods were used for the analysis, including non-parametric tests and a generalised linear model (GLM).
The respondents considered distance learning more complicated and time-consuming than onsite studying. Students were less active during online statistics courses, which were perceived as more tiring and less effective compared to general courses conducted remotely. The respondents declared a greater need for contact with the lecturers of general courses than the statistics ones. This was due to the lower quality of the provided teaching materials and lower availability of the lecturers of general courses. The ability to focus proved a decisive factor in the choice of the mode of courses in statistics. As regards general subjects, the choices were determined by the degree of fatigue.


distance learning, statistics courses, majors in economics, GLM, students’ preferences


A22, C19, C25, I21, I23


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